Scrapbook #37: Winter Wonder

1. I’ve never experienced winter physically. (Woo-hoo living in a tropical country!)

2. But I’ve definitely experienced winter spiritually. (Yay being Christian? :-P)

3. Seasons of barrenness that carry more questions than answers.

4. Early in my faith I used to think that winter was a result of something I’d done wrong. And I’d have a heck of a time trying to “fix the problem”.

5. Then I got to a place where I realised that winter is a season of life that comes and goes like every other. Regardless of what I do or say or not, winter will come around like clockwork just like it does in nature.

6. And my focus then became to embrace the season for what it was rather than get caught up with all it wasn’t.

7. To trust God that I will bloom again. It wasn’t a question of if but when. To know that this season was just as important as the ones that had preceded it. To find joy even in the midst of it.

8. “Don’t you just love the clarity winter brings?” I know I do.

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